Welcome to My New Page, I’m Glad You’re Here

Welcome to my page, I am glad you’re here. My goal on this page is to muse, chat, and poet. Some will say that poet isn’t an action. I disagree. To poet is to be in tune with the feelings related to one’s experience, then to put those feelings into words. Thus, poeting is an action. I will do that here. It is my hope that you will enjoy the content of this page, and find a place in poetry that is right for you. There is no bad poetry, simply poetry that is more right for others than me.

I am Laura. I write poetry and muses. When not writing, you can find me walking the beautiful trails of Whidbey Island with my partner, Dina; enjoying my 3 children, their life partners, and 3 grand children (soon to be 4!); working on our home business, Dot’s Digs; or working my day job as a diet aide. And, when we can again, traveling as much as possible. It is a beautiful life that has been scraped and fought for with tired bones, sensible shoes, and double coupon day.

I look forward to knowing you. The bitter and the sweet make up this life, we just have to find the sweet to wash away the bitter. I hope you find it here.

Thank you for coming by, stop in again, it’s always lovely to see you,


By Laura

Laura S. Tarasoff is poet, writer, explorer, and believer in people. Laura lives on Whidbey Island, Washington. Whenever she can she walks the beach looking for agates, hoping for whale sightings, or takes on the splendor of the eagles and hawks filling the prairie sky. She enjoys a terrific burger, a rolling laugh, and getting to know people.Laura hopes that her words will bring hope and encouragement to get through the hardest parts of life.

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