Let Your Light Shine

We took a drive to see the Christmas lights around town. Such a simple pleasure to see how people chose to express themselves through the displays. Whether it was a lawn loaded with inflated figures or a string of white lights outlining an eve; we oohed and awed appropriately. Every effort applauded.  The displays that… Continue reading Let Your Light Shine

Keepers Keep Keepsakes

Keepers keep on keeping Keeping it in perspective Keeping up with the keepers of scores Keepers who outkeep keep keepsakes Keepsakes require upkeep Keepers who miskeep keep being reminded Keeping up keeps keepers up Keep going       A poem without punctuation is ripe with possibilities. 

Inspired By Inspiration

The most common questions I am asked as a writer are about inspiration. Where do I get my inspiration. The answer is not one thing. Inspiration is set in motion by a sense or emotion. Taste, touch, sight, smell or hearing. Happy, sad, content, afraid. The brain picks up on something and sets the imagination… Continue reading Inspired By Inspiration


My former blog, Finding Hope in the Darkness, was written during a time of great change and uncertainty in life. Hope of a brighter, more secure day was what kept me getting up each day and working toward that goal. Finding the things to pull that hope up wasn’t always easy. Some days I went… Continue reading Hope

Gift Giving and Receiving

‘Tis the season of giving and receiving. Yesterday our family welcomed the greatest gift of all, a new member to the family. My granddaughter is healthy and wonderful. I now have four grandchildren. Three came as bonus gifts by marriage. I adore them all. They are intelligent, artistic, intuitive, and hardworking. The difference is more… Continue reading Gift Giving and Receiving

Fatigue Rules the Day, But doesn’t Rule the Moment

 Fatigue wins the day. It is a day of great rejoicing after great work. More than tired. Not really exhausted. Fatigue is the sneaky subset of being emotionally and physically tired.  Days like today are good excuses to not follow through on a project you dedicated yourself to. It partially worked on me. I’m getting… Continue reading Fatigue Rules the Day, But doesn’t Rule the Moment

Energy Conservation Tips

It is the time of year that many are getting their homes ready for cold weather, in an effort to stay warmer and save money on heating bills. Our homes aren’t the only thing that needs energy conservation. So do our bodies and ourselves. Last year the world slowed down, whether we wanted to or… Continue reading Energy Conservation Tips


December hosts a lot of events, including the one I am attempting to participate in. Every day leading up to Christmas, a blog is posted. I suppose it’s an Advent of sorts. You open the page and something is revealed.   Finding some to write about is tough some days. Days, like today, the ideas… Continue reading Dedication

Comfort and Joy

The last two years have brought struggles for many around the world. The loss of loved ones, changes in living and employment situations, and a general stress of the uncertainty of something so big and out side of control have left many questioning their ability or wanting to be happy for the holidays. Perhaps the… Continue reading Comfort and Joy